Therapeutic Massage

The therapeutic massage is the "signature massage" and is by far the most requested. It typically requires deeper therapeutic pressure to reduce pain and imbalance within the soft tissue. This massage is specific to the clients's dysfunctions and incorporates Neuromuscular and Trigger Point Therapy,  Myofascial Release, Table Stretching and Thermotherapy. 

Rates: 30 Min $40 / 60 Min $70 / 90 Min $90 / 120 Min $125: 

Thera-cupping Massage

The Thera-Cupping Massage is the therapeutic massage with cupping incorporated. The practitioner will combine massage techniques with cups to significantly increase blood flow to areas of dysfunction, as well as leave cups on "problem" areas for 2-8 minutes. Cups will be applied as both gliding and stationary for maximum benefits. 

Rates:  30 Min $45 / 60 Min $75 / 90 Min $95 / 120 Min $130

Rocktape Application

 Rocktape is a type of kinesiology tape. It is great for treating injuries like shin splints, plantar fascistic, runner's knee, back pain, tennis elbow...the list goes on. 

Rates:  $10 Small Area / $15 Large or Multiple Areas

CBD Application

CBD is the abbreviation for Cannabidiol, a component of the Cannabis Sativa plant.  It is not psychoactive, habit forming or addictive and can be legally purchased in North Carolina. CBD lotion can be added into the massage per request. It will be applied to areas of discomfort during the massage. 



Would you like to connect with Kacey to set up an appointment?

Shoot her an email below or call/text her at (910) 639 3588 (Please leave a voicemail and she will get right back to you! She’s busy working her magic!)